dimanche 7 novembre 2021

Moderna, l’argent public et les paradis fiscaux



Où sont les paradis fiscaux européens ? | LCIhttps://www.somo.nl/modernas-free-ride/

 A leaked contract between Moderna and the European Commission indicates that the company’s vaccine profits will end up in some of the world’s worst tax havens. The contract signed with Moderna shows that it intends to receive payment for its EU vaccine deliveries in Basel, Switzerland. By accounting for its profits in this low-tax jurisdiction, Moderna is likely to pay little in taxes on the billions of euros it stands to make from the coronavirus crisis. Additionally, Moderna holds many of its patents in the US tax haven state of Delaware, where income from patents is exempt from taxation, providing the company with further opportunity to avoid taxes. This compounds existing economic justice issues plaguing the pharmaceutical industry, as the technology for these vaccines was developed using public finance, and the prices at which vaccines are sold to governments around the world allow pharmaceutical firms to make massive profits. This article was produced in cooperation with Wemos.


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